Club rules

In order to help our coaches give all of our members the best chance to enjoy their classes and reach their full potential, we ask that children and parents alike abide by our club rules. These rules are very important because they not only ensure the efficient and smooth running of our clubs, but they are in place for the safety and support of the session. We should, therefore, be most grateful if you could take the time to read our club rules and abide by them at all times.

Rules for parents
Please take the time to read this summary of our rules for parents
- Parents are not permitted inside the session unless attending a scheduled viewing day or invited by the coach to watch the class from a specified viewing area
- Sideline coaching (calling out to children during class) is not allowed as this interferes with our coaches’ lesson plans, distracts the session and causes a disturbance to the other children
- Please help our sessions to run smoothly by dropping your child off for and collecting them from class on time from inside the club building so that they do not wander off unsupervised after class
- Help your child to follow our members’ rules, encourage them to try their hardest at class, and support our coaches by backing the decisions they make in the interests of your child’s learning
- Please adhere closely to our respect policy and follow our complaints procedures
Rules for members
Please familiarise yourself with this summary of our members’ rules
- Members must respect the coaches, other members, the club and the equipment
- Jewelry and watches must not be worn in the session and long hair must be neatly tied back,
- No jeans, skirts or other casual clothing should be worn at class – sportswear or club uniforms only (club uniform must be worn to all classes after four weeks since joining the club)
- Mobile phones must not be used during class, and should be switched off or put on silent in the session
- It is the members’ responsibility to bring to class any medication they require, such as an inhaler for asthma, labeled with their name and left on the first aid kit in the main session (not in the changing area)
- Members should arrive 10 minutes before class so that the start time is not delayed
- The coach must be informed if a member is going to miss three classes in a row
- Members must wait inside the club building to be collected by their parents – in no circumstances should they leave the venue on their own as parents must come inside to collect them
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